Heritage Aluminium Windows
Exceptional energy efficiency, durability and security. Stunning heritage windows in Andover & Salisbury.
Heritage Aluminium Windows
For all the lucky owners of traditional, heritage style houses or cottages we have a beautifully designed range of heritage aluminium windows. Manufactured using the best materials and the latest technology, these windows not only add style and classic chic but are also extremely durable, energy efficient and low-maintenance.
If you’re looking to add a touch of sophistication and old-world charm to your home, our heritage style aluminium windows are the perfect option. Our windows are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years, so you can be sure that your investment will be worth it. Choose one of our many beautiful designs and give your home the makeover it deserves! Contact Andover Glass today for a free quote.
- Traditional style
- A range of colours
- Excellent performance
- Energy efficiency
Our Heritage Aluminium Windows, brought to you by industry leaders AluK and SMART, are designed to replicate the classic appearance of historic wooden windows while benefiting from the durability and low-maintenance qualities of aluminium. The result? A window that effortlessly complements both heritage and modern homes.
Crafted from premium-grade aluminium by trusted manufacturers, these windows are built to withstand the test of time. They resist warping, rotting, and fading, ensuring your investment remains stunning and functional for years to come.

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You can rest assured that we will deliver the highest quality service and products at a competitive price.
Highly recommended installers! Very pleased with the installation.
Very friendly team and super quick installation. Thank you!
Great service and excellent quality products. Highly recommend!